
Being an overview of the recent history of Munda

1628 - The final campaign of the first Takshendal campaign cycle.

1710 - The marriage of King Jarolf of Norland Marchastel and Princess Ananita of Casilicus consolidates the two most powerful royal houses of Regnia. 

1722 - The Kingdom of Regnia is formed. Serrenisma and Machia are both incorproated by political treaty, backed by further royal marriages. 

1723 - Ghedi, Agliana and Fiorentino form the Alliance of Bassano. The Duke of Aqustus avoids war by accepting Regnian sovereignty. 

1724 - The army of Mursula is annhilated by the King Jarolf at the battle of Branceleon. Mursula submits to Regnia. The Alliance of Bassano fails when the Duke of Ghedi accepts Regnian sovereignty. 

1725 - Agliana and Fiorentino are both defeated by King Jarolf at the Battle of Lippi. Both accept Regnian sovereignty. The Union of Regnia is signed by Norland Machastel, Cassilicus, Serrenisma, Machia, Aqustus. Mursula, Ghedi, Agliana and Fiorentino.

1737 - Ain consolidates its hold on those terrirories of Merdun not held by Regnia. 

1740 - Prince Marcus Antioni of Aquilea marries Princess Esmeralda of Jara, uniting both states. 

1757 - Ain dissolves into civil war. This war is known as the War of the Twins since each side is commanded by one of the twin sons (Prince Marcel and Prince Henri) of the former King Hendrik.

1764 - King Marcus Antioni of Aquilea intervenes in the ongoing civil war of Ain, on behalf of Prince Henri. Regnia quickly intervenes on behalf of Prince Marcel. 

1765 - The Battle of Soliera. The largest single land conflict in the history of Regnia takes place over the space of three days and ends with a victory for the Regnian forces but roughly 150,000 are killed and no side has a clear advantage after the fighting ends. Amongst the dead are King Marcus Antioni and Prince Marcel.  A diplomatic solution is found with the wedding of Prince Phelonius of Regnia and Princess Gundaberga of Aquilea. 

1777 - The coronation of Phelonius VI of Regnia, formerly creating the Kingdom of Regnia, unites all of Regnia (except Tromonto).

2179 - The Gordoroy Incident. Several settler families from Floriatana are massacred on Biela. Diyak tribe members are widely held to be responsible and the incident leads to numerous retaliatory attacks by Regnian and Floriatanan settlers against Diyak villages. The incident continues to influence contemporary events, and the name of Gordoroy is commonly used as a battle cry.

2188 - Campaign begins.

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